Sunday, May 10, 2015

when blogs get in the way

This is mother’s day weekend and with upcoming finals, it has pretty eventful. Yet I have to sit down and write this for the readers. Instead of having a lesson come out of the blog I’m just going to write what I did this weekend. This is important because you always have to treat the ladies right.
First is Saturday when we woke up and made our mom her favorite breakfast. A McDonalds mc.muffin and Starbucks coffee. I mean I slaved over that steering wheel for a good 10 minutes. I know you critics out there are cringing in your seats saying “That isn’t a breakfast” Yet it was very difficult to make and you critics can suck it up. Mostly cause it didn’t stop their when we took our mom and G-Mom to dickeys. If you thought it was hard making a McMuffin, you don’t know hard until you make that chicken. Breading that chicken was so hard to do. I even had to put up with the waitresses. Not only that the family I served was very opinionated about the food. Saying that the tea wasn’t any good and that the chicken was just alright and it could have been better. Biting my tongue we went to my G-moms house where I slaved over the stove making chocolate chip cookies for desert for them. When they were all finished everyone had the gal not to say it tasted good because their mouth was full with cookies. Finally when they were through talking each other’s ears off, the motor mouths decided it was time to leave.
Finally is the last day Sunday, again waking up with my mom’s next favorite meal, Whataburger, pancake platter. This was a lot easier to make allowing to relax for a good 30 minutes while waiting for the food to get finished. It was the best food ever! The pancakes were definitely worth the wait this time. Yet the good feelings didn’t last long for a tornado was to touch down right above our house. It got my mom all up in a bunch and you could really tell because she told us to go get on our shoes that we were going storm chasing. Thank goodness the storm dissipated very quickly and my sister was almost to the house.

So as a good mother’s day weekend was winding down I found myself writing this blog instead of spending time with my mother.

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